


Nicolas Hulot COp21 (Source: Courtesy Nicolas Hulot)
Save the bees pic
(Source: save the bees)
USPA NEWS - On 20 July, the National Assembly finally voted to ban all pesticides of the neonicotinoid family from 1 September 2018, with possible derogations until 2020. This is to date the first in Europe it symbolizes the culmination of several years of work of all stakeholders.
French National Assembly
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
On 20 July, the National Assembly finally voted to ban all pesticides of the neonicotinoid family from 1 September 2018, with possible derogations until 2020. This is to date the first in Europe it symbolizes the culmination of several years of work of all stakeholders. It is a success for pollinators, ecosystems and health we also need your broad mobilization. By signing our petition, you add your voice to that of thousands of other citizens to say stop for over 20 years of use of neurotoxic pesticides decimate every year more than 300,000 bee colonies in France. On July 16, it is thus 669,102 signatures were delivered to Ministers Ségolène Royal and Barbara Pompili that the government is committed to a ban from the National Assembly and the Senate. An impressive figure that has born fruit! Repeatedly, in the heart of the discussions in the Assembly and the Senate, we have indeed witnessed the impact of the strong citizen waiting on Ministers, MPs and senators. This prohibition would not have been possible without you, without your trust and support. We thank you with all my heart. Pending its entry into force, the Foundation team will remain mobilized to ensure accelerate changes in agricultural practices and vigilant for possible exemptions are framed as possible in order not to undermine this collective success.-------------------- To continue to monitor progress on this crucial issue and discover the other key actions of the Foundation, I invite you to subscribe to our newsletter Let us rejoice in this issue, stay the course of a complete ban soon for new challenges together! Nicolas Hulot declared charming of Nicolas Hulot Foundation.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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