


Ministry of Ecology logo (Source: Courtesy of Ministry of Ecology )
Alain Vidalies, French Secretary of State for Sea
(Source: Official Vidalies)
USPA NEWS - Alain Vidalies, French Secretary of State for Transport, Sea and Fisheries, spoke, November 3rd to 11th Sitting of the Economy of the Sea in Marseille, annual major event bringing together over 1700 professionals maritime world.
Annual Meeting of the Sea
Source: Courtesy of Meeting of the Sea
See also article : ALAIN VIDALIES MEETS THE PROFESSIONAL MARITIME WORLD FOR MODERNISATION 11 TH ANNUAL MEETING MARSEILLE - See more at: FEAMP PROGRAM TO BE VALIDATED BY THE END OF THE YEAR------------------------------------------------------------ To support our maritime fishing, the Prime Minister promised to set up a spreading mechanism or tax exemption of capital gains on the repurchase of a new vessel. The Government is working to the practical application, in compliance with applicable European framework. Alain Vidalies also confirmed that the operational program of the FEAMP will be validated by the end of the year, its formal validation process has just been launched by the European Commission. It will benefit from substantial funding for projects led by fishermen and fish farmers. He also reiterated the government's commitment not to undermine the tax exemption enjoyed by the fisheries diesel. Finally, the Secretary of State assured of its determination to preserve the interests of the French fishing in upcoming discussions on TACs and quotas. FRENCH AQUACULTURE EXTENDED TO MARINE AQUACULTURE AND FRAMED BY “PROGRESS PLAN“ To ensure the ambition of France in aquaculture, Alain Vidal expressed his wish that to be extended to marine aquaculture the partnership approach of "progress plan" exists for fish farming, among professionals and representatives administrations. The objective for aquaculture is to consolidate our existing sites and to encourage new settlements through suitable pilot sites. To guarantee the funding of the SNSM, a major rescue at sea, the state has assumed its responsibilities: in addition to the annual grant of € 2.1 million which is held in the Finance Bill for 2016, € 1.4 million will be made available for finance the investments of the SNSM. This funding will be perpetuated in subsequent years by assigning a share of revenues from the tax on wind turbines at sea.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The sea from the perspective of blue growth, is both a resource and an investment: the maritime economy plays a vital role in the activity of France - 310 000 direct jobs and a turnover of € 69Md - but also an area that should be protected. This is the meaning also the recent initiatives, such as tracks 10 shares for blue growth presented by Ségolène Royal, and the bill for blue growth presented by the MP Arnaud Leroy, "recalled Alain Vidalies. Ministry of Ecology, Inter ministerial Committee.

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