

ON 23 AND 24 FEBRUARY 2016

Dubai Delegation at Press Conference Womens Forum (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Womens Forum Dubai February 2016
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - "Women´s Forum is pleased to announce that Womens Womens´ Forum Dubai 2016 co-organised by the Womens Forum and the Dubai Women Establishment, will take place 23-24 February 2016 at Madinat Jumeirah Hotel in Dubai". Shamsa Saleh, and Jacqueline Franjou said at the Press conference held in Deauville.
Jacqueline Franjou CEO Womens Forum Deauville
Source: Courtesy of Womens' Forum
WOMENS FORUM GIVES NEXT RENDEZ VOUS IN DUBAI ANNOUNCED THE PRESS CONFERENCE GIVEN BY DUBAI DELEGATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESS CONFERENCE WOMENS FORUM DUBAI “We are confident Women´s Forum Dubai will contribute to women´s empowerment efforts worldwide and help the Women´s Forum in furthering its mission“ Jacqueline Franjou CEO of the Womens Forum said. Women´s Forum will be an unprecedented platform for discussing the sustainable role of women fast-changing world“ Shamsa Saleh said. On the one hand Dubai is the right place for the next session of Womens Forum to be held early next year. It seems that nobody has she escaped the ambient energy or the so called "Energetic grace" during the Womens Forum Deauville, entitled "Energise the world". So does Shamsa Saleh, appearing so energetic after two days spent at Deauville´s forum. And secondly, because Shamsa Saleh and her fellows are open to the world, coming from Dubai, which is already a crossroad to the rest of the world, and are looking forward to unite women around the world around intense thematics, as passionate as innovative.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another fellow of Shamsa Saleh, member of the Dubai Delegation, also showed another form of energy of leniency. I met by chance, this lady Khawla Al Mehairi, as we awaited the arrival of the lift, wearing a fancy Abaya (Traditional Long Dress Arabic). That was the third time we met in two days in succession. She approaches me, smiling, elegant and with empathy. “ This is the third time we meet in front of the elevator, it means something“, I answer " Oh really ?" She says " Oh yeah something good is gonna happen ". I wonder then that it could be a good omen, but still I'm amazed by this nice attention.
Quote Cheikh Zayed Founder of United Arab Emirates
Source: Tourism Dubai
Women in UAE
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Dubai Women Establishment Logo
Source: Courtesy of Dubai Women Establishment
Shamsa Saleh talks at Womens Forum Deauville
Source: Courtesy of Womens' Forum
Shamsa goes on, then and explaining that "the most important for success as some proclaim it loud and clear, is to be lived from the inner and then express it in deeds." This cry from the heart, is just a phrase uttered time to take a lift, as pure as it means how success is a matter of real battle within itself same and must come from the deepest self, then naturally flows and expressed by deeds, if he was fed both by a deep desire and reinforced by spirituality.----------------------------------------------- This exchange, simple and stealth freed me in a state of "energised" at the image of the Women's' Forum slogan, "Energised the World".It sparked a great desire to confront all obstacles that I personally meeting with my disability and m has plunged into a new thinking...for a second. That is why the format of the Women's forum, is quite unique. Because at the discretion of chance encounters, including Khawla Al Mehairi, one forgets the work for a while, and offers amazing discoveries about one's own person and ability to be astonished, and even deeply moved or shaken, the time of a constructive exchange, yet being in representation regardless of the function, still, I am a woman, above all. This kind of situation has helped me throughout my mission of covering the forum as a whole and by rich interviews, but I was also lucky at many occasions to genuinely feeling "". My one regret is not to have had time to interview this beautiful person, Khawla Al Mehairi, my furtive encounter. Another time may be at the Womens Forum in Dubai on 23 and 24 February next year. I then later find out that Khawla Al Mohair is Vice President Marketing & Corporate Communications, at Dubai Electricity and Water Authority! That is so uncanny !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Dubai committee of the next Womens Forum has chosen the motto of " Let's innovate". A message at once true, and promising, when we know that Dubai is one of the most hyper-connected places on the planet today hosting cutting edge technologies and permanently innovative. See following article with Part II Press conference at Womens Forum Deauville, announcing next Womens Forum Dubai.
Burj Al Arab Dubai
Source: Courtesy of atelier
Heritage Village Dubai
Source: visiter dubai
Desert in Dubai Off Road Zone
Source: Off Road Zone

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In case my articles are used and being infringed upon my intellectual property rights, they will be submitted to the law. My Lawyer Maitre C.Levy&Rahma Rachdi

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