
Average number of foreign citizens registered with Spanish Social Security rises

By 44,540 in April

USPA NEWS - The number of foreign citizens registered with the Spanish Social Security system stood at 1,607,883 in April, an increase of 2.85% -or 44,540 National Insurance contributors- compared with the previous month.
The increase in contributor numbers to the system was the largest for the month of April in the last 10 years. When compared with 2014, the number of foreign workers has increased by 2.83%, equivalent to 44,262 more NI contributors. This is the first April since 2008 in which the number of foreign workers has increased year-on-year. Previous years saw declines of up to -10.54% (April 2009). The highest figures for foreign workers correspond to Romania (288,277), Morocco (202,159), China (91,669) and Ecuador (70,666). These countries are followed by Italy (69,422), Bolivia (57,266), the United Kingdom (56,648) and Colombia (52,222).
When compared with the previous month, the number of foreign NI contributors in April rose in all autonomous regions except the Canary Islands (-0.68%). The largest increases were posted in the Balearic Islands (16.69%), Andalusia (5.92% and Extremadura (2.78%). Compared with last year, the number of workers increased in all autonomous regions except Galicia (-0.85%) and Ceuta (-2.84%). The regions with the largest increases in foreign workers were the Balearic Islands (7.1%), the Region of Murcia (5.03%) and the Region of Valencia (4.33%).
The figures recorded for April show that 943,114 of the total foreign citizens registered with the Spanish Social Security system are from countries outside of the European Union, while the remaining 664,769 are from EU countries. The majority of foreign citizens are registered under the General Regime: 1,352,992 in total, a figure that includes the Special System for Agricultural Workers (207,501) and the Special System for Domestic Workers (207,246). This is followed by the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (250,362), the Special Regime for Seamen (4,254) and the Special Regime for Coal Workers (275).
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