14,110,000 SHOTS AS OF APRIL 9
Astra Zeneca Vaccine Logo (Source: Astra Zeneca )
Since the start of the vaccination roll up in France, 10,507,294 people have administrated at least one injection (i.e. 15.7% of the total population and 20.0% of the adult population) and 3,601,263 people have received two injections (or 5.4% of the total population and 6.9% of the adult population) [1]. We publish the numbers of the Daily and cumulative vaccination data in France, with regard to the vaccine shots being administered nationwide as of April 2021. As of today Monday April 12, it will be possible for people aged> 55 to be vaccinated in France, both from pharmacists and general practitioners. Source: French Ministry of Health.
PROVISIONAL DATA--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Injections from the last 24 hours :
1st INJECTION: 393 010
2nd INJECTION 117 257
TOTAL : 510 267
Cumulative in April
1st INJECTION: 1 958 512
2nd INJECTION : 747 207
TOTAL : 2 705 719
Total cumulation (since December 27, 2020)
1st INJECTION: 10 507 294
2nd INJECTION : 3 601 263
TOTAL : 14 108 557
[1] Provisional data awaiting consolidation
2. WHO ARE THE PRIORITY AUDIENCES FOR THE VACCINATION?------------------------------------------------------------
Priority audiences eligible for vaccination are defined by the health authorities:
§ Elderly people residing in EHPAD (Nursing Home) or USLD (~ 0.6 million people);
§ People aged 70 and over not residing in EHPAD (Nursing Homes) or USLD (~ 9.3 million people);
§ Health professionals and workers (~ 2.5 million people);
§ Vulnerable people at very high risk of serious forms as mentioned by the orientation advice of the vaccination strategy (~ 0.8 million people);
§ People aged 50 to 74 with co-morbidities (~ 5.1 million people);
§ Firefighters (~ 0.3 million people);
§ Home help for disabled or elderly people (~ 0.4 million people);
§ Vulnerable disabled people cared for in nursing homes and specialized homes (<0.1 million people).
3. How to make an appointment to be vaccinated?
Meeting slots are available and new ones continue to open regularly. Online appointments at are now open to all people aged 70 and over. s a reminder, making an appointment is possible:
§ Via the website;
§ At a pharmacist or town doctor (general practitioner, specialist doctor, or occupational physician) for people eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine;
§ Via the local devices made available to help make appointments;
§ In case of difficulty, via the national toll-free number (0 800 009 110) which allows you to be redirected to the switchboard of a center or to obtain support in making an appointment.
In order to specifically support people aged 75 and over wishing to be vaccinated and who have not yet been able to make an appointment, various national out-of-town systems are now deployed:
§ A campaign of outgoing health insurance calls for people over 75 who have not yet been vaccinated;
§ A dedicated skip-the-line number: since Wednesday 31/03, this number has been indicated in an SMS sent by Health Insurance to people aged 75 and over who have not been vaccinated. Source: French Ministry of Health.
Covid-19 Outbreak Vaccine Pfizerbiontech Aztrazeneca Mask Mandatory Pm Jean Castex Minister Of Labor Elisabeth Borne High Authority Of Health Lockdown Ending France Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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