
Nations Take Forward Global Climate Action at 2016 UN Climate Conference COP22

Part 2 Capacity Building Technology

COP22 Logo (Source: COP22)
COP22 Marrakech
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Countries accelerated global climate action across a broad range of areas at the 2016 UN climate change conference as they fast-tracked the political and practical aims of the historic Paris Climate Change Agreement. Multi-billion and multi-million dollar packages of support for clean technologies;
Action Banner COP22
Source: COP22
Countries accelerated global climate action across a broad range of areas at the 2016 UN climate change conference as they fast-tracked the political and practical aims of the historic Paris Climate Change Agreement.--------------------------------------- Multi-billion and multi-million dollar packages of support for clean technologies; building capacity to report on climate action plans, and initiatives for boosting water and food security in developing countries were also among the many new announcements and initiatives launched. COP 22, hosted by Morocco´s King Mohammed VI, saw almost 500 Heads of State or Government and Ministers attend. It also witnessed the first meeting of the Paris Agreement´s top governing body following early entry into force of the Paris Agreement on 4 November. At the close Fiji was announced as the host of the 2017 UN climate conference, with Germany assisting the Pacific island nation by holding it in Bonn. WARSAW INTERNATIONAL MECHANSIMS ON LOSS AND DAMAGES IS A NEW 5 YEAR FRAMEWORK---- “¢ A new five-year framework under the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (WIM) will deal with impacts that are not addressed through planned adaptation, including displacement, migration and human mobility and comprehensive risk management. THE MEMBERS ELECTED THE COMMITTEE FOR CAPACITY BUILDING -------------------------------------------------- “¢ In another show of accelerated climate action, countries operationalized the Paris Agreement´s Paris Committee on Capacity Building. It will help build capacity for climate action in developing countries. The members have been elected and the committee will take up its work in May 2017. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS AND THE 30 PROJECTS FOR CUTTING EMISSIONS------------------------------------------- “¢ During COP 22, governments learned that in 2016 over 30 projects for cutting emissions with technology transfer objectives were approved by the GEF, with $188.7 million in GEF funding and $5.9 billion in co-financing.  UNFCCC TAKES A NEW STEP ON GENDER BALANCE AND GENDER RESPONSIVE CLIMATE GOVERNMENTS- “¢ Fifteen years after the first decision on women and gender under the UNFCCC at COP 7 in Marrakech, governments took another important step towards achieving their goals on gender balance and gender-responsive climate policy by agreeing an extended work programme that includes civil society, businesses and others. Indigenous Peoples “¢ COP 22 took first steps in making the local communities and indigenous peoples platform operational which was established last year in Paris. This marks a new era of addressing the concerns and needs of indigenous peoples in the climate process. Once operational the platform will allow for an exchange of experiences and sharing of best practices on mitigation and adaptation and ultimately lead to more climate actions.  OTHER INITIATIVES LAUNCHED “¢ UNEP launched a new global initiative, The Global Peatlands Initiative, which aims to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and save thousands of lives by protecting peatlands, the world´s largest terrestrial organic soil carbon stock. The initiative will mobilize governments, international organizations and academia in a targeted effort to protect peatlands, which contain almost 100 times more carbon than tropical forests. “¢ The Solar Impulse Foundation launched the World Alliance for Clean Technologies as a legacy to the first ever solar flight around the world. Its goal is to federate the main actors in the field of clean technologies to create synergies, give advice to governments, and promote profitable solutions to the world´s most pressing environmental and health challenges. “¢ The first ever private adaptation and resilience investment vehicle, the Marrakech Investment Committee for Adaptation Fund is a $500 million fund launched in partnership with The Lightsmith Group, based in the United States, BeyA Capital, based in Africa, and the Global Environment Facility. “¢ Over the next four years, the MENA Climate Action Plan aims to nearly double the portion of World Bank financing dedicated to climate action, taking it to around $1.5 billion per year by 2020. Source UNFCCC See article : WORLD LEADERS ISSUE PROCLAMATION UNDERLINING IRREVERSIBLE MOMENTUM AT COP22 MULTIBILLION&MILLION $ ON CLIMATE ACTION - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-10115/world-leaders-issue-proclamation-underlining-irreversible-momentum-at-cop22.html#sthash.YtRENn4F.dpuf and COMPANIES AND INVESTORS TO CITIES & REGIONS ANNOUNCE NEW COMMITMENTS IN SUPPORT OF PARIS AGREEMENT AT COP22 MARRAKECH - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-10116/companies-and-investors-to-cities-und-regions-announce-new-commitments-in-support.html#sthash.UvCUz4Q4.dpuf and PUBLIC&PRIVATE SECTOR WANT TO CONTRIBUTE ON PRIORITIES SAID SALAHEDDINE MEZOUAR AT GLOBAL CLIMATE FINANCE ACTION SUMMIT - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-10113/publicundprivate-sector-want-to-contribute-on-priorities-said-salaheddine-mezouar.html#sthash.bvIPV7KS.dpuf

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